The main work visa in Britain is a Skilled Worker visa in UK. The United Kingdom public sector website has published a list of professions for which this visa is intended. This work visa is issued for a period of up to 5 years. There are other visas, for example, for seasonal, creative workers, and so on.
How else can you move to the UK?
You can also come to the UK on a tourist visa, Standard Visitor visa, and go for interviews. Still, if you are invited to work, you will have to leave the United Kingdom to apply for a work visa. Documents can be submitted in the country of citizenship or in another country where you have a residence permit. The Standard Visitor visa is valid for 6 months.
What specialities are in demand in the UK?

IT specialists, employees in marketing and communications departments, HR, recruiters, financiers, as well as creative employees, such as stylists are in demand in the UK. UK also needs doctors and lawyers. Still, they will have to prove their qualifications to work in the UK, and this is a complicated procedure.
What kind of work experience is needed to move?
You can move with three years of work experience. But the optimal time is 5-7 years. In this case, the specialist is already experienced enough, but not enough to qualify only for managerial positions.
What kind of visa do family members get?

Family members of students, skilled workers and entrepreneurs moving to the UK receive Dependents’ visas. Unlike the Dependent visa, the family visa is intended for family members of British citizens, family members of people with permanent residence and some other categories. Details are available on the website Parents, spouses, grooms, brides, partners and children under the age of 18 can get this type of visa.
Brides and grooms can also get a British Marriage visa. However, it is only suitable for cases where the applicant does not intend to live in the UK after the wedding. You are allowed to stay in the country with this visa for no more than six months.
The UK government warns that for false information in the application, you can be deported or imprisoned for two years.