
Genetic tests – why are they needed

First of all, genetics is designed to help in the treatment and prevention of diseases. There are several main groups of cases when Lab DNA analysis will help clarify the origin or prevent a possible disease.

  • Finding out the origin

Genealogical research grew out of forensics and the popular task of establishing paternity. Today, with the help of Genetson Laboratory, both the determination of the closest relatives and the identification of the ancestral group are available – from which part of the world the genus originated many generations ago. Such an analysis serves to solve applied problems of establishing kinship (this is important for such legal issues as inheritance claims) and may interest simply curious people studying family history.

  • Family planning

When people want to have a child, they think about his future health. Genetic tests can help in two stages – when planning a pregnancy and during its course. Such a test will help to find out whether the child will inherit “dormant mutations” and the risks of congenital pathologies. This is important if there are frequent cases of some kind of disease in the family history of the father and / or mother, or if one of the parents actually has the disease.

  • Prevention of diseases to which there is a predisposition

Doctors can recommend such an analysis to healthy people who have had repeated cases of various diseases among their relatives, for example, most types of cancer, diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease, multifactorial hereditary diseases, which are also called “polygenic with a threshold effect.” Another similar analysis can reveal the likelihood of developing allergies, help adjust the diet depending on the genetic basis of metabolism and select the optimal physical activity.

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